De la tierra muerta surge Hexápolis
Prejuicios, malentendidos o el escaso interés en escuchar a otros ha hecho difícil comunicarnos a lo largo de la historia. Hexápolis eleva esta dificultad a otra dimensión porque al aislamiento une el espejismo contemporáneo de la comunicación global y la no menos moderna y radical ausencia de solidaridad.
Con el ingente consumo de recursos para su creación, cada Hexápolis nace de la tierra muerta.
AJF 2019
From the dead land emerges Hexapolis
Hexapolis is the simple, linear world of closed paths where our lives take place. We come and go through its streets. Sometimes without looking up from our phones, other times we wander contemplating what surrounds us. We never suspect our confinement. With its six faces, this limited world of individual vocation has us silently trapped.
Prejudices, misunderstandings or little interest in listening to others have made it difficult to communicate throughout history. Hexapolis raises this difficulty to another dimension because it combines isolation with the contemporary mirage of global communication and the no less modern and radical absence of solidarity.
With the enormous consumption of resources for its creation, each Hexapolis is born from dead earth.
Hexápolis. Imágenes digitales a color. Serie de 6 dípticos.
Hexápolis. Digital Color Images. Series of 6 diptychs.
Hexápolis. Técnica mixta, yeso coloreado y otros materiales sobre plancha de poliestireno. 62 x 52 x 27 cm
Hexápolis. Mixed Media, Colored Plaster and other materials over poliestyrene base. 62 x 52 x 27 cm